Improve your health in the New Year!

Happy New Year!

If your resolution includes improving your health – you’re not alone! It’s likely not the first time you’ve tried to make changes & the best advice we’ve heard is to keep trying. We’ve all experienced how difficult it can feel to form new habits, but with the right support & encouragement, this year could be the start of something sustainable that benefits your health for years to come!
There are few important steps that will help you create a sustainable fitness routine

When you start incorporating fitness into your life, you may need to adjust your sleep habits, increase your water intake & eat a more balanced, nutritious diet to ensure you have the energy & rest to reach your goals. Depending on your activity, you may also need to wear different clothing, check the weather & plan to get there. Overall, adopting a new fitness routine will require some new habits – but it comes with many benefits & often surprising rewards.

Here are our best tips for creating your new routine:


Looking for easy ways to get more movement into your day?

Following through with commitments you’ve made to yourself can easily fall to the wayside when you have work, family and other responsibilities to take care of. Experts suggest blocking off time in your schedule with details such as location and activity to help you follow through. Including activities that already work with your schedule can help build realistic habits that meet your goals, such as parking further away from work or doing a few bodyweight exercises while your children are watching television.


Give yourself lots of options and don’t be too hard on yourself – several small behaviour changes that are attainable are better than nothing at all. Remember that following through with the health commitments you’ve made to yourself is what will allow you to show up energized & feeling great in the other parts of your life. Read more here.